Welcome to SOUND CHEQ GAMES. We are a small business, founded by Songwriter and Artist Chantelle McNeish, AKA Inkra Debelle.   

How did you start SOUND CHEQ? 
SOUND CHEQ was actually once just a random game I made up at a party in serious need of an ice breaker.  There were no cards, or pre made materials, just me, my love for music, my mental catalogue of songs and my urge to get people vibing. We ended up having such fun playing, that I continued to suggest it and host it anytime a moment needed filling.   Be it in the car, at a bar, park, beach, plane,  anywhere! And everyone seemed to love it!
It was about 8 years of “I know a game we can play!” before I had the idea to turn my game into something tangible for people other than my friends to enjoy.  That, and a few other things like being broke, having a slow music career, and a couple other surprises that really gave me the kick up the butt to make start.
The first positive push was seeing a fellow friend Matthew Bridgeman create his own party card game "Bottoms Up" whilst on furlough in lockdown,  which he successfully launched end of 2020.  Matthew publicly documented his process and progress, which I thought was dope!  This sparked the belief that I could most definitely turn my made-up song game into a card game. Very kindly, Matthew did not hesitate to give me some advice and direction when i reached out to him. So a special shout out to Matt :) thanks for your help maaan.
The final shocker that got me moving was my friends baby shower in 2021. I know your thinking what has that got to do with anything?  Well at baby showers games are played. And it just so happened that the host there said "we are now going to play a music song game".  She explained "I am going to name a word and you have to write down as many songs with that word".... As you can imagine my mouth dropped, and I silently thought "OMG this is my game!" not wanting to steal anyone's shine, I stayed quiet as though I had never played before lol.  (There wasn't 3 categories, forfeits, bonus rounds and wild cards of course that's all me lol.) But it was at that moment I thought.."Nah, I need to get a move on and get my game made!".   It's funny as I will never know whether my game that I had been playing for about 8 years, had done a full circle and gotten back to me, or whether someone creative came up with a similar concept. Either way, Sound Cheq has been uniquely developed and I know when i first came up with it. 
Boxing day 2021, I went to my cousin's house for their family get together, and I thought it was the perfect opportunity to test out my game again, and try a few variations. Once again it was hilarious!  The youngest playing was 13, and the oldest was 78.  I told them I am going to begin working on the development in the new year!  January came and I couldn't wait to get started...And now 2023, we are ready :).  
The journey of creating the core contents of the game took hours of research, hours of teaching myself how to use the right graphic design software, hours of fiddling with the design options, days of trials with over 100 people and lots of communicating with different manufacturers. 

Creating this game from scratch, has truly been one of the most fun and satisfying experiences. From becoming a mini graphic designer, to learning how to start an online business, becoming well versed in packaging, labels, sticker designing, and more!. It's defo been rewarding and valuable. I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all my family and friends who helped me out, took part in playing the game during the trials, and helped me develop my idea to where it is now. I have some great things lined up for the future of the brand, so I can't wait to share it with you all.  

Finally and most importantly THANK YOU to anyone supporting SOUND CHEQ. <3

Here is our game creator Chantelle

Sound Cheq the Card Game was launched in April 23rd 2023.

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